We have had many people ask about making a donation to Mike and Carolyn

For anyone wanting to make a donation to Mike and Carolyn, you may go to any Frost Bank branch and tell them you would like to make a donation to the "Michael E. Fosdick and Carolyn Fosdick Benefit Account". Thank you to everyone who has donated.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 9

Well, there aren't any major changes. Here is what has happened in the last two days.

Carolyn has been taken off of the ventilator and is just receiveing oxygen via the trach that was placed a few days ago. This means that she is breathing on her own but still has not woken up. Her face seems a little more expressive but she still is not responding to requests or commands. As far as her other injuries....the broken scapula and fractured pelvis/hip are still healing. There is still not much they can do for those except let them heal on their own. She did not sustain any other injuries in the accident so we just have to wait until she wakes up. Oh, they did start her on a medication that has shown some success in stimulating the brain in order for patients to wake up, but has not shown any effect for Carolyn yet.

Mike is recovering from surgery to close the incisions in his left arm. There didn't seem to be enough healthy tissue to completely close the incisions so they did a skin graft, using skin from his upper leg, to complete the closure. He sustained a fracture is his neck during the accident, as well as a bulging disc. We are still waiting for them to do some follow-up test to see how these are healing. He still has very little control of movement of his hands. He is breathing easier and his oxygen levels are doing well. Physical therapy, has gotten him out of bed a few times and hope to have him up and walking on Monday.

I have received numerous cards and well wishes for them both and will be sharing all of those with them as they come in. It looks like this will be a long process, so we thank all of you for your support. I'm sure that we will eventually need to take everyone up on their offers to help. I can't say enough about how much we appreciate everything that everyone has done for us.


OwenEveryone said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom and her husband. I hope that you are holding up well and that you know we are praying for you and your siblings as well.
I am glad you have chosen to start a blog for them. We look forward to hearing the updates and pray for the medicine to work and your mom to awake soon. Take care


AliJo said...

Thank you so much for doing this blog. My husband, daughters and I care very much how your mother and Mike are progressing and are so glad that we can find out so easily. We continue to pray for their continuing recovery. They are well known and loved in our entire community and we are sure there are many ,many prayers in their behalf in households of all faiths.

Thank you again, Alice Johnson

Caren Elder said...

How blessed Mike and your Mother are to have you with them during this long recovery process.
Thank you for taking the time to update the blog for those of us who are so far away right now.
Mike and your Mother are so loved and our prayers are with them and your entire family at this time.
Thank you for all you do.

Ryan and Caren Elder (Jacome)